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Hoya 82mm Circ Pol HMC Filter

Hoya 82mm Circ Pol HMC Filter


Hoya 82mm Circ Pol HMC Filter

SKU: h82cpl
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Why use a Polarizer

Polarizers do one thing: Remove Reflections. Think sunglasses for your lenses. By removing reflections, you reveal the color, texture and detail beneath. So, leaves are greener, skies are bluer, and the beautiful rocks at the bottom of that secret mountain lake are revealed. CRPL’s are also great for removing reflections from car windows, painted surfaces, or just about any non-metallic surface. Depending on the lighting conditions the effect can be dramatic or subtle but it never hurts to pop it on and give it a try.



Hoya’s high quality polarized glass is mounted into a precision milled aluminum slim frame, making it lightweight and perfect for your wide-angle lenses. Despite the slim profile the filter includes front filter threads so you can attach additional filters or your protective lens cap.

Top 5 Reasons to Use a Circular Polarizer

    1. Controls reflections on glass, water, leaves, and sky.
    2. Improves contrast
    3. Increases color saturation
    4. Removes atmospheric haze

Additional information

Weight 0.00 kg
Dimensions 0.00 × 0.00 × 0.00 cm


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